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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • The other angle is the majority of Devs are just… Not good…

    A good Dev in the situation you mention will design the solution needed now not the one you hope for later.

    I’m saying this as someone who has been mired in scope creep and over engineering solutions many times in my life because “what if 5000 people need to use it at once?!”

    In most cases all you need is a database, a single thread and a simple API. Build it and then as the problems come grow with them. Try to take into account issues of scale but realize you can’t and shouldn’t solve every scenario because there are too many variables which may never exist.

  • The code on SO is rarely specific to what the use case is IMHO. Any code I’ve gotten from there has had to be reworked to fit into what I’m doing. Plus I can’t post some stuff on SO because of legal reasons but can on an internal ChatGPT portal.

    Trust me, it’s gonna get a lot worse.

    Matter of fact, I look forward to the security breaches of developers posting company code into ChatGPT for help lol. We already had that issue with idiots posting company code into the public GitHub.

  • Herein lies the rub where the discourse online always fails. It’s easy to blame the rich, corporations, politicians, etc. but the end of the day they’re simply doing what the masses want. We are the problem.

    Now that said, I understand the appeal of blaming a smaller segment of the population because it’s easier to shift blame and it’s easier to force change that way, but rest assured Apple stops making a new phone every year their brand dies unless everyone stops doing it. They’re doing it because we are conditioned to want it.

    We are the underlying problem. All of us.

    Edit - having my point proven is amazing.

  • Also to add the Indian market is so saturated any “good one” you get knows their worth and dip out at the first opportunity. Leaves giant companies left holding the bag on a model that has skeleton crews containing all the tacit knowledge with no means to do anything. “Oh well just bring in vendors to do xyz” ignoring the operational cost going forward. The current business model employed by fortune 500 companies was and is unsustainable. Great for their bottom line though.