Tldw: it’s just serviceable but Darko Audio wish for it to be more powerful.
A lot of techies don’t seem to understand just how much Sony is pushing the camera functionality on XPERIA. It has a headphone jack to monitor audio while recording or to add a mic, just like a Sony Alpha camera. That it can be used for entertainment is the distant third place benefit for including it.
I think people started to realize it this year or so. Since Sony more or less did nothing to improve the output of the jack for like 4 generations now. I think two things happened that stopped people from realizing that.
they brought back the jack the same year LG left more or less. This lead to a bunch of LG users wanting to go to Sony because they had similar hardware like the jack and expandable storage.
people thought they would integrate their walkman lineup like they did with their camera lineup/tv lineup.