I’d love to see what kind of a game dev community we have here on beehaw and help each other out. Whether you use Unreal, Unity, Godot or even your own engine, let’s see what you got!

  • drwhut@possumpat.io
    1 year ago

    A couple of months ago I released my free and open-source game Tabletop Club, which is a physics sandbox inspired by Tabletop Simulator, and made with the Godot Engine!

    It’s still early days for the project, but I’ve got a ton planned for the game, and I’m currently working on the first major update!

    Here’s a link if anyone is interested: https://drwhut.itch.io/tabletop-club

    • knokelmaat@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      This looks really awesome. I’m also working on a small project in godot (just a simple sokoban implementation) but this looks way more complex! Nice of you to make it open, makes it easy to learn and contribute.

      Can I ask why you choose MIT over GPL for licensing? Just thinking about this because of an article that was recently posted here.

      • drwhut@possumpat.io
        1 year ago

        Thank you! The main reason it’s MIT is because I don’t really care if someone takes it and makes it closed source - this version will always be here for people to use and contribute to. Plus, it also opens up the possibility of me forking the project and making another game out of it that actually provides a sustainable revenue 😅

  • mustyOrange@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Im working on an metroidvania that works with flying mechanics. My goal is to take the hollow-knight platforming style of pogoing, and combining it with an elytra style mechanic to have large sections where youre off the ground.

    My character is a little monstera plant, and I want to make as many little cute costumes for them as possible!


  • bestagon@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’m actually just about to start showing off a 4X concept game I’ve been working on for a few years. Finding partner devs ahead of publisher pitching is the priority. Here’s a sneak peak from a minimal explainer demo:

  • raubarno@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I like Touhou very much, so I am working on a Touhou-ish danmaku (bullet hell) game. It is still in early development, though.

    Here’s the today’s screenshot: (https://imgur.com/a/9Th50Zw)

    It uses pixel graphics, the CPU draws on a pixel canvas, which is eventually rendered onto a framebuffer. I chose this rather childish approach in order to prototype first, and accelerate later.

    The main difference from Touhou Project or its spinoffs will be that the stage will actually be scrollable with ‘nests’ that spawn enemies shooting at you.

    The game is written in Rust, uses Vulkan to display the canvas, and licensed under GPL-3.0-or-later license so that it will always be a share-alike project.

    • espa@beehaw.org
      1 year ago

      Looks cool! By scrollable, do you mean that the player can move the stage camera at their own pace and enemies will spawn at certain spots, or is it similar to Touhou but just different in how the underlying spawning system will work (as opposed to timer based which I assume Touhou is)?

      • raubarno@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        If, in Touhou series, the scene is limited to the viewport, in my game I experiment with a larger field. Some ‘fairy-level’ enemies may reside in nests, some may move around. But I’ve just finished the very basic graphical level today and a satisfying smooth scrolling in a large field. Now, I can focus more on a gameplay, add enemies, bullet mechanics and see what is the most enjoyable way to play. It may even have several game modes, including the classical ‘Touhou’ experience…

        I’ve understood I need a dev blog so badly. :)

        • espa@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          If it means anything, I’d read your dev blog if you ever do publish one :P

  • TreseBrothers@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Indie dev here. Went full-time on it with my brother several years back. Currently working on our 9th game – Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

    It’s a squad tactics heist RPG. XCOM-like combat, extensive stealth options, and a cyberpunk setting & stories inspired by over a decade of tabletop RPG campaigns we’ve played.

    This is our first game made with Unity; it’s been a learning experience but feels very worth it.

  • NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I have been making a game as a hobby since the pandemic. I didn’t know anything about game development or even how to make one. I just looked up the kind of game I wanted to make and picked the software I thought would work best for me. I settled on SRPGStudio which had a nice balance of GUI features and some scripting you can play with.

    I have since 2020 completed 3 of the 14 levels I intended to make. The polish is really good on the 3 levels that I have made and people who have played it said it seems well put together. It’s not, it’s barely held together with bandages and popsicle sticks. Not only that but all the music I’m using right now is copyrighted and stolen from one of my favorite games. Lastly, I’m not an artist so I can’t update the graphics easily and I just use the ones that came with the software. I’ve messed about in GIMP and changed some colors around, nothing more than this.

    I want to finish the game, even so I’ll never be able to make music for it or update graphics for it and I don’t even know where to really look to get those kind of assets or have them made by someone. I think I could spend more time on the project if I didn’t feel like there were so many roadblocks ahead of me to navigate. It’s a shame too because I have the story worked out, the gameplay in mind, the level ideas but it’s difficult to put pen to paper when there are so many roadblocks that prevent you from making your vision into a reality. If I coould afford it, I’d hire someone to help me but I couldn’t even do it on a shoestring budget and I don’t like the idea of asking for money to make a game when I have almost nothing to show for it.

    If you want to see a sample, here are a few cutscenes from the game I made, volume warning if you check it out:


    • young_broccoli@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Hi. This sounds awesome, I love the idea of a passion project like this, I even looked into rpgmaker long ago thinking about making a game. Never did.

      Now, Im not a professional musician, but I have been teaching myself and playing for about 10 years (Bass mainly and a couple years keyboard). I have been trying to compose something for years, people says it sounds good (tho you never know lol) but I never finish it, I loose motivation and that kind of thing. But I think that If I have something to actually work for I think I might be “pressured” into being motivated.

      I’ll be honest, I dont really have all equipment to do it, all I have is a shitty netbook, a bass that is as old as me, and a beaten up semi-pro keyboard. So I might have some “problems” in that regard. But I think my computer is able of making good chiptunes, if thats what you want, and If not, I might be able to work it out.

      Im not proposing to make a hole OST, all im asking is If you are willing to tell me what kind of music you want and will fit the levels I might be able to compose something you might like and use in your game, or dont, but at least you’ll get a laugh. What do you say?

  • Otome-chan@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’ve been working on a zeldalike in python off/on for the past while now. Nowhere near done but I’m mostly doing it for fun/hobby. I’m no artist so solo gamedev is kinda hard (ended up drawing all the sprites myself which is why it looks like programmer art lol).

      • Otome-chan@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        thanks. I’m making good progress on it. I’ve got quite a few of the items done, basic map graphics are done. etc. I even have a minimap system that fills out as you explore it’s pretty cool :) I struggle pretty hard with the art though haha.

        • NumbersCanBeFun@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          That’s the issue with my game also. The studio software I am using has basic graphics so I’ve just been using those until I figure something out. How hard was it to build a game in python? I’ve only done some basic python scripts.

          • Otome-chan@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            I code damn near everything in python so it was naturally my language of choice (looking back I should’ve just used unity lol). I’m using pygame for it which basically works similar to older game/graphics libraries. so everything is coded from the ground up.

  • janooba@beehaw.orgOP
    1 year ago

    I’m currently working on an action horror game inspired by Cry of Fear and similar mods.

    But in the past I’ve worked on a fully kinematic parkour character control with wallrunning, grappling, dashing, mantling, etc. Character controllers are probably one of my favorite aspects to program. Something about the vector math and physics just feels good to solve.

  • NikkiNikkiNikki@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Here we go, this is the project I made to learn rust. Pardon the terrible quality and lag, that is all that my little laptop can muster. This demo is extremely memory heavy because it’s a fully infinite 3 dimensional minecraft-esc thing with biome mixing, super structures, and terrible fancy graphics.

    I set this one to the side because it was waaayy too hard to keep working on. Technical debt hit me fast. But it was a very valuable experience.

    Without screen recording the world gen is much faster since it is multi-threaded and tries to queue up as many as it can for your cpu config, OBS took too much power!

    Now I’m working on a Visual Novel, but all I have done at the moment is like 1/10th of the ideal editing tool I want and a little bit of the prologue script drafted out.

    The real video file was too big for kbin… lemme upload to trash youtube account


    And here are some much much older projects I did, dating all the way back to high school
    Again, this was all recorded on trash-teir hardware. The real performance was better, just not the recording itself

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hVb_zR6bxY >>> Old C++ game engine for a 2D platformer, it went through SOOO many revisions, but it was also the reason I completely gave up on C++, the fucking thing kept segfaulting for just the wildest reasons. At some point I gave up

    https://youtu.be/LHOwXgw_pSM >>> In this one I’m comparing my emulator’s bad APU to mednafens. It is a 6502 / NES emulator that is entirely run through javascript. It almost actually performed well, but pixel blitting absolutely nuked performance on any browser. This video was showing the godawful APU implementation. I also had a working assembler and iNES rom constructor baked into this thing, pretty cool.

    https://youtu.be/LjuIIsqEsr4 >>> Here is an older version of my Javascript all-3-dimensions voxel thang. This one is completely limited to a small field, has no good graphics, and smells. The real one got a PBR implementation, infinite in all directions generation, and a much better UI. The issue is that it crashes every browser I try it on, it is just too heavy of a workload and it causes a ton of edge-case bugs. Funnily enough it’s actually more stable in FireFox.

    https://youtu.be/fx-0qaIU80U >>> This is my oldest surviving project. Don’t be scared but, it’s a voxel game, in a web browser. This one was programmed in a single file, was duct taped together, had the WORST logic ever. But it somehow still runs when I open it so hurrah?

    That last project was developed on a chromebook and was made in my freshman year of high school. Yikes.

    This only scratches the number of projects I have made and destroyed.
    I have this insatiable lust for the ‘new’ and I express it by trying to perfect my skrillz.

    Though I still make dogshit code at least I can do it quickly.

  • Hexorg@beehaw.orgM
    1 year ago

    I kinda am… but I’m also a researcher so I’m not particularly making a game but rather trying to make a new game mechanic. I want to make pawns have complex decision logic to be able to choose multiple ways of doing something. I’m working on creating a hierarchical task network in Rust. I’ve been testing it in godot using the gdnative interface. Don’t really have much to show though and no recent progress… Ben busy with a newborn

    • janooba@beehaw.orgOP
      1 year ago

      Hey that’s fair, I can only imagine how much time a newborn would soak up. Game AI is facisnating to me so I’d love to hear more about your work. It reminds me a bit of GOAP a little bit.

      • Hexorg@beehaw.orgM
        1 year ago

        Yes HTNs are a few computational levels higher than goap (HTNs can do everything that goap can). I think project fear AI used HTNs

  • Sarah@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    My friends and I have been working on a cozy 3D platformer called Live at Strummer’s Pond! It’s physics driven and fully multiplayer online. It’s easily the most difficult thing I’ve ever programmed. We’ve been working on it for a year, and we’re super proud of it.

    We just recently got our Steam page up and running!

  • seikoshadow@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I’ve been actively developing Cartel Empire for about a year and a half now. It started off as a bit of a side project whilst I worked a boring IT job but has just kept growing which is amazing.

    It’s all hosted on Azure and written in JavaScript using Express for the backend and pug templates for the front-end.

    I’m on mobile just now but if anybody is curious or has questions I’ll be back later and am more than happy to answer anything.

  • dafungusamongus@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    Audio Engineer here, currently composing music and designing sound effects for an action-adventure medieval fantasy. I am unable to showcase current works because of an NDA, but some of my previous works are showcased on my website @ www.iaaudio.com . Still learning more about Unreal Engine and I really enjoy the workflow versus using middleware like WWISE.