The shitstorm of a fallout has pushed the community behind Billet Labs more than they ever would have gotten had they just gotten reviewed properly. It may have sucked what had happened but I think they will be better off in the long term now that people are aggressively supportive of them. Funny twist of fate in my opinion.

    1 year ago

    I’m going to quote another user’s comment on this to show this does have a market and the founders were honest about it:

    I rewatched the video for this block and in the literal video itself he quotes one of the founders acknowledging that this is uber expensive and definitely meant more for like few boutique buyers. So how does this end up getting a review for the general audience when they had already acknowledged the general audience wasn’t the target for this product and Linus himself said that the market for this is very niche.

    The market for this is basically people who have the money and know how to install something like this and want to spend a hefty sum on something that is acknowledged to be nice and unique but not game changing but was reviewed as if some basic ass civilian like me is going to go out and buy this tomorrow

    It’s not for you to decide on if someone else should buy it. End of fucking story. I can guarantee you have bought some things that I would deem to be stupid, and not having a positive expected value too. People spend money on whatever the fuck they like, some douchebag named Linus tripling down on his incompetent review is the problem here… again, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the product is overpriced to you or to the general consumer. That doesn’t fucking matter.

    I’m into tools, I work on all my own vehicles and have a shop. I have bought a gold plated ratchet, I paid twice as much for it over the same thing with normal chrome plating. It’s a showpiece. That’s what this is. And it’s function deserves to be reviewed accurately, or not at all.