Does for 96% of the market lol
Does for 96% of the market lol
I use Windows because it just works
So uh get in muh fower tun truck and drive like a goddamn infant
For context, there was a post the same that said “New world train electrification in colour” with a map of the Americas that had only a tiny bit of colour
This bellend ☝️ went off on a rant about how the map wasn’t in colour, completely missing the entire point of the map lol
Sounds like something a Belgian would say 🧐
Well duh. Stupid people are scared of the phrase, and clever people are annoyed by it. That just leaves the Belgians
That’s what everyone said about Linux in 2005
Mobilism dot org and myanonymouse
I’ve never not been able to find what I want
If you think this is very witty and a gotcha, you’re wrong. This argument doesn’t work in reverse because whoever is using iOS already knows all about Android, since, y’know, it has most of the mobile market in its grip
This is like yelling about straight pride
I vow to do the same on each appropriate thread my Liege
It’s only right
You type well for someone holding their head at 90°
It’s true though, every thread about Windows is full of Linux users saying how you should just use Linux, and others saying they still can’t because it still doesn’t work properly after all this time. Then you get the Linux users saying “iT jUSt wORks”, then posting shit like this demonstrating that it clearly still doesn’t
For the Americans, this is more than one football field and less than Texas
Did you get a heavy duty power button because you’ll have to hold it down for ten seconds so often 😂
Is this what Komoot uses?
I’ve been so impressed with the pathways etc, it’s amazing
if you want to read some more critical commentary
What I read was a measured and reasoned reply from one of the founders to a small handful of keyboard warriors 😂
Yeah that drives me nuts too. Shopping results for fuckin Home Depot? I’m in Europe you stupid search engine
This is one person rambling about stuff she’s hypothesising
“They didn’t pay sales tax for the first couple of years”
Do you even know how small businesses get off the ground in Europe? Possibly by being exempt from taxes until their profits are high enough?
Says their financial information is impossible to find, then starts telling us exactly what that information is
This is the same as people watching a YouTube channel and just assuming it’s gospel because they watch that channel a lot smh
Downvotes duh