German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Im in that situation but instead of stubbornly refusing she just does not want to invest the times or effort into privacy. But she was cool with me doing a few things like changing her to different mail providers, changing her browser to firefox and installing a few add-ons that help without being intrusive. But other than that she doesn’t really care enough. She uses Instagram and all those apps and I won’t try convince her. It is her life and her decision.

    However the topic has a different tone when it comes to our kids. We discussed this before having kids and agreed on rules we both are okay with. Things like no pics on social media or WhatsApp of any of them. Or which apps they get to use at what age etc. Luckily when it comes to them my wife is more willing to invest time and effort into privacy.

  • One of the issues is here in Germany we basically got a monopoly. The Schufa is so omnipresent I used to think it was lead by the government. You cannot open a bank account in Germany without giving your data to them. You almost cannot rent or buy anything on credit without their credit score. Yet they are a private profit driven company which doesn’t even tell how the score is calculated. And which is proven to not follow some laws. But noone does anything. Boggles the mind.

  • This release seems really solid. Good timing to hit a lot of good software releases. Makes me want to finally try out Debian. I’m a big fan of ‘it just works’ experiences if possible so I might be the target audience.

    But I’m very happy with Fedora for quite a while now. I’m still amazed how stable it is even with very frequent updates as well as very current software overall. So it would just be switching for the sake of doing it and I try not to do that anymore.