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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • AI is essentially an algorithm that looks at a set of data which it “trains” on and then uses that predictive model to reproduce a facsimile of an answer. An analogy would be if you took a parrot and only sever said compliments to it you would get a parrot that says compliments except it doesn’t actually understand what its saying just that it should. Knowing that, what they’re saying is that they want your data to train on so here’s some crap you don’t want or need in the hopes you think its cool or useful.

    If enough people give up their data they could probably make a model that is actually useful, at which time they’ll turn it into a paid product to replace the people who were naive enough to provide their data for training.

  • Microsoft certainly tries it’s best to keep you locked into their ecosystem by making it inconvenient but not impossible to leave though that’s not the real reason, it’s security. Businesses and especially governments are scared of nation state hackers contributing malicious code to open source products and falsely assume it’s safer to use closed source software because those incidents aren’t public. There’s so much great software out there I’d love to use and the first question I’m asked when I bring it up is can you prove China hasn’t contributed code?