Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.
Enterprise tooling (aka a usable API) and it stays out if my way.
Along a similar vain to making a git friend, buy your sysadmins/ops people a box of doughnuts once in a while. They (generally) all code and will have some knowledge of what you are working on.
As an ops person I disagree! Our arbitrary changes are documented in a jira ticket in the ops project. If you can’t view the ops project fill free to open a ticket in ops and we will triage it when we feel like it.
We found an use case with Page duty and it’s ical feed already…
Hey now! Gitlab ci is totally fine so long as your simply running your build.sh file out of it. Anything more and your risking madness.
Just use npm to install all the dependencies. What’s the worst that can happen.
You being up an interesting point. Let’s expand electricity a little bit.
If I flip a switch the lights come on. I don’t need to understand it but someone does. And because electricity can be deadly of handled wrong, everyone in your proximity handles electricity the exact same way (and this is enforced via law). This means only a few people anywhere need to have the deep knowledge of how it works for the rest of us to get light.
Compare this to computing - sure you click the button and get Facebook but that button could be designed any number of ways. Like electricity the generation who tinkered is past (well passing), but unlike electricity firm standards on how to design your Facebook button have not been written in blood.
I for one am terrified of what the next 10 years of the business IT landscape is going to look like as we need to start absorbing kids who grew up on iPads.
Yep c flat or b sharp. If the octave has a half step between notes (a full step is A to B, B to C, etc), then a sharp/flat is created. The octave dictates if we call it a sharp or flat, but from a mathematical perspective they are the same tone.
So counter point. Active directory is a god send for managing endpoints, user accounts, endpoints, etc.
No you don’t let windows act as a dns server outside the ad subdomain, no you don’t use windows to admin your root private ca, and for all you hold dear do not enable that God forsaken web server. But for what it does well, it’s the best solution out there.
Just to pile on. I’ve seen devs throw out the entire git history when moving between repos for ongoing projects.
Let’s take this one step further. I should be able to get the core ideas in your code by comments and cs 101 level coding (eg basic data structures, loops, and if/then).
Interesting footnote about p and q. You see them turn up on formal logic proofs (for philosophy)
That’s the scary thing. It looks like this narrowly missed getting into Debian and RH. Downstream downstream that is… everything.